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Process Automation

Your daily business?

Repetitive digital Processes

Kontinuierlicher Prozess

Excel as data storage


Time-consuming manual processes


All of this means time-consuming, tedious and unpleasant work for your employees. There is also a risk of careless mistakes and inaccuracies. When these processes become routine at the latest, often nobody dares to initiate changes. This is precisely where we come in and support you in automating your digital processes.

What are the benefits of Digital Process Automation?

We automate manual and repetitive digital processes for you. For your employees, this means less tedious manual work and significant time savings. It also reduces the error rate due to careless mistakes, which goes hand in hand with an increase in the quality of your data and processes. Your company benefits from digital process automation in many ways. You save costs by significantly increasing the efficiency of your processes and save your human resources. The elimination of routine work increases the focus on important tasks in the company and thus also increases the motivation and satisfaction of your employees.


Automation of repetitive workflows


Efficiency improvements


Increase employee satisfaction

How do we implement Digital Process Automation?

Specifically, we offer you the individual development of tools and software applications in the form of small, graphical desktop applications, as well as macro extensions with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and Python, which fulfil your specific needs.

We also use Microsoft Power Platform products to set up automated routines for Microsoft Office applications, to program individual applications or to visualise your data professionally.

How is Digital Process Automation carried out?
0. Identification

Do you already have ideas for automating digital processes in your company? Then we will be happy to implement these ideas directly. However, we also actively support you in identifying processes that can be automated by analysing your processes in detail and collecting ideas and suggestions through discussions with your employees. We then develop possible concepts for implementing the identified processes.

1. Requirements Analysis

Once the decision has been made to implement the automation of one or more processes, we start by collecting requirements and possible solutions for automating the processes. Here, too, we actively involve you and your employees in order to achieve the best possible result.

2. Development and Tests

Based on the requirements, we put the concept into practice and develop customised applications for you. The duration of the development depends largely on the complexity of the processes. During development, we continuously test the programmed applications and obtain feedback from you and your employees to ensure smooth integration of the application later on.

3. Implementation and Success Analysis

Following the development of the tool and extensive test runs, the solution needs to be implemented in your company. We use various test scenarios to validate the functionality of the developed solution as part of a pilot phase. To do this, we record data in order to measure the benefits of the developed tool in the form of a before-and-after comparison.

4. Staff Training

The software applications we develop should be intuitive to use and easy to understand. In order to give the key users of the tools a full understanding of all the functionalities of the applications, our final step is to train your employees in how to use the tools.

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