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Material Flow
Simulation & Analysis

What is a Material
Flow Simulation?

Through a simulation based approach for the analysis of a company's material flow, we are able to identify optimization potentials and develop alternative solutions that can be validated with the simulation model.

What are the benefits of the Material Flow Simulation?

The simulation model is a realistic representation of production and enables the analysis of the current status and the identification of bottlenecks and optimization potential, as well as the testing of various alternative scenarios. Various parameters can be varied in the simulation and their effects visualized and analyzed. This analysis is essential before effectively implementing changes in the material flow of production, in order to know the benefits and risks of the measures in advance and not be surprised by problems that were actually foreseeable. Mapping production in simulation software provides an ideal basis for planning future changes or expansions.



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As realistic modeling is complex and requires appropriate knowledge of the various simulation applications, the creation of a well-founded material flow analysis is often not possible without external support, especially for small and medium-sized companies. Nevertheless, they should definitely take advantage of the huge potential offered by material flow modelling and analysis in order to save costs in the long term and ensure the success of optimization and expansion measures.


Risks & 


Virtualized Production System


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Zitat unseres Geschäftsführenden Gesellschafters

Through a simulation based approach for the analysis of a company's material flow, we are able to identify optimization potential and test various configurations of different layouts, ressources and technologies.


The 3D simulation is an excellent foundation for visualizing our solutions dynamically. By doing so, we provide our customers with all of the necessary informations in order to take investment decisions. And our services do not end with that...

Viktor Mutschlechner, Managing Partner

How we run a Material Flow Simulation & Analysis

We offer you comprehensive support in the creation and analysis of material flow simulations, from the modelling of the current material flow to the simulation of alternative and optimized material flow concepts and the testing of the susceptibility of your production to faults. A complete simulation study comprises the following five steps:

1. Task & goal definition

First of all, we clarify the objectives and tasks with you. The overarching goal of maximizing profitability is often subdivided into various sub-goals such as minimizing throughput times, inventories and deadline deviations as well as maximizing the workload. 

2.   Modelling the current Material Flow

The realistic mapping and modeling of the current material flow forms the basis for the subsequent analyses. Using data that we receive from you or determine through appropriate surveys, we reproduce the current production in the simulation in as much detail as necessary.

3. Simulation & Analysis of the current situation

Based on the model of the current status, we carry out various simulation runs. The data obtained is analysed and visualized in order to identify optimization potential. Classic examples of this are bottlenecks and inefficient production and logistics processes.

4. Conception & Simulation of alternative scenarios

The problem areas identified in the as-is analysis form our basis for designing alternative material flow concepts. The concepts developed, e.g. layout, process or resource changes, are simulated, analyzed and compared with each other.

5. Presentation & evaluation of results

We document and present the results of our simulation runs for you. We also address the various opportunities and risks associated with the possible implementation of the concepts. Based on this, we present you with possible alternative courses of action and recommendations.

Get more Information by downloading our
Whitepaper about Material Flow Simulation!

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Get to know us and book a non-binding appointment with us. We will be happy to give you an initial assessment of whether and how we can support you.

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